Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why Brands should have profiles on Google Plus?

Just want to make you aware about news from Search world, and present key highlights from post written by Google Senior VP of Engineering - Vic Gundotra. 

Facebook and Google continue race for domination in digital world. Facebook advantage is the number of active users and access to incredible amount of data. Google advantage is people search behaviour and ability to rate credibilty and page rank of all websites. Google Plus was created to compete with FB and they have just announced 2 next steps which are extremely important from search perspective. Brand profiles and activities created in Google Plus network will be indexed faster - which gives huge advantage vs Facebook FanPage, where you can actually rank only with one properly optimized URL. It's an important change, and we should not ignore it. Google also introduced new Search tool called "Direct Connect", user will be able to add special feature "+" to the page he/she wants to "stay in touch" with and from now on will have direct connection. 

Why key brands should have profiles on Google Plus:

1. To own at least one more postition on Google Search Shelf and be when she/he is looking for us
2. To test all new features presented by Google
3. To be the leader of innovations in digital

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